Why Certify?
Professional certification offers many benefits for the towing operator, their employer, and the motoring public. Certification is the future of the towing industry.
Professional certification offers many benefits for the towing operator, their employer, and the motoring public. Certification is the future of the towing industry.

Certifying the industry & building a community
Put your money where your experience is and get rewarded for being a safer more knowledgeable operator. The benefits of professional certification include:

>> Potential to save money on insurance and products
>> Competitive advantage applying for contracts
>> Marketing opportunity on websites, business cards, uniforms, truck insignia, etc.
>> Added credibility with external customers (law enforcement, insurance providers, motoring public, etc.)
>> Increased employee job satisfaction
>> Increased safety for responders and the motoring public
>> Increased knowledge for the participant
>> Recognition and acknowledgement for skilled professionals

Every professional occupation has industry standards, including our incident management partners. Standards provide guidance to industries on the development and adoption of new technologies and help to demonstrate an industry’s on-going commitment to building a better, safer, more sustainable industry. Join us as part of the future of the towing industry!
Professional certification is the method by which a professional’s knowledge is validated by an unbiased 3rd party via a proctored exam making it the requirement to work in many industries and trades. Towcert.com offers universally recognized certification, meaning everyone will finally be held to the same standards.