Are you ready
to Recertify?

About Recertification
Certification is valid for a duration of five years, serving as a testament to an individual’s proficiency and expertise in a given level. This timeframe ensures that professionals stay current with evolving industry standards, technologies, and best practices. After the initial five-year period, individuals are required to undergo recertification to demonstrate that they have continued to expand their knowledge and skills. Recertification not only validates the ongoing commitment of professionals to stay abreast of advancements but also ensures that certified individuals maintain a high level of competency throughout their careers.
To purchase a recertification exam, follow these steps:
Navigate to the “My Dashboard” page. Scroll down to “My Practice Exams & Recertification” section and select the desired test.

Once you have entered the course, you can either purchase your Recertification Exam, or utilize the Free Prep Exam at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: The score and progress achieved on the prep exam does NOT apply toward the actual Recertification Exam.

Complete the checkout process.

Navigate back to the “My Dashboard” page. Sroll down to “My Recertifcation Exams” section and select the desired test.

The Recertifcation Exam is NOT proctored. When ready, enter the course and start your Recertification Exam.